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What are the differences in mechanical properties, durability and service life of Biodegradable Film & Bag compared with traditional plastics?

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Compared with traditional plastics, Biodegradable Film & Bag do have some differences in mechanical properties, durability and service life. The following is a specific analysis of these differences and how to balance these properties with biodegradability:

1. Differences in mechanical properties, durability and service life

Mechanical properties: The mechanical properties of biodegradable films and bags may be slightly inferior to those of traditional plastics. This is because biodegradable materials are usually made of natural polymer materials, and their molecular structures may not be as stable as those of traditional plastics. Therefore, in terms of tensile strength, abrasion resistance, etc., biodegradable films and bags may be slightly inferior.

Durability: Traditional plastics are generally more durable and can maintain their performance for a long time under various environmental conditions. However, the durability of biodegradable films and bags may be affected to a certain extent, especially in humid or microbially active environments. These factors may accelerate the degradation process of the material, thereby affecting its durability.

Service life: Due to the characteristics of biodegradable materials, their service life is generally shorter than that of traditional plastics. Under appropriate conditions, biodegradable films and bags will gradually degrade over a period of time and eventually be digested by the natural environment. This means that they are not suitable for long-term storage or application scenarios that need to maintain their integrity for a long time.
2. How to balance performance and biodegradability
Material selection and modification: By developing new biodegradable materials or modifying traditional biodegradable materials to improve their mechanical properties and durability. For example, reinforcing agents, stabilizers, etc. can be added to improve the performance of the material.
Optimize product design: Optimize product design for specific application scenarios to achieve biodegradability while meeting usage requirements. For example, thicker materials can be designed to increase durability, or degradable reinforcement structures can be introduced into the product.
Reasonable use and recycling: Promote the reasonable use and recycling system of biodegradable films and bags. Through education, guide consumers to use and dispose of these products correctly to avoid waste and random discarding. At the same time, establish a complete recycling system to ensure that these products can be properly handled and resourced after use.
Policy guidance and market incentives: The government can promote the research and development, production and application of biodegradable films and bags through policy guidance and market incentives. For example, provide tax incentives, financial support and other policy measures to support the development of related industries; at the same time, strengthen restrictions and supervision on traditional plastics to guide the market to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable direction.
In summary, although biodegradable films and bags have certain differences from traditional plastics in terms of mechanical properties, durability and service life, we can effectively balance the relationship between these properties and biodegradability through measures such as material selection and modification, product design optimization, reasonable use and recycling, and policy guidance and market incentives.